About Us

The world needs all of us. That means you too. Since early 2020 humanity was tested. It shattered a lot of what we believed was important and we all had to find new ways to connect, have fun, bring joy to ourself and one another...and to just BE.

We learned that in order to get through things we need to do it together – even in a virtual world. We not only need to take care of ourselves and our families – but our community. We learned that our actions impact those around us and their well-being.

So we ask...what inspires you? What do you stand for? Where is that place where you can just BE? What thoughts, words, and activities take you to a higher place? What brings you joy?

Be4Humanity is a uniting concept – we believe something as simple as a message on a T-shirt can add a positive vibration to ourselves and our communities.

Join us! Share what inspires you and let the world know. Follow us on Social Media – or send us an email. We would love to hear about who you are and what message you want to share with the world – hello@be4humanity.com